Chitral National Park

Chitral National Park

Chitral National Park aka Chitral Gol National Park is located in Lower Chitral District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. It is located two hours from Chitral. There are many glaciers here. The park was formally recognized on 18 October 1984. It covers an area of ​​7750 acres and is 10,000 to 12,000 feet above sea level.

Chitral National Park
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The park comprises the Kailash and Gol valleys. The high Hindu Kush peaks surrounded the park and bordered Afghanistan. There are many glaciers here. The park is famous for its Markhor goats. This park is one of the coldest areas in Pakistan.

The park protects many wild animals. These animals include a wide variety of animals from around the world, including Markhor, red foxes, wolves, baboons, black bears and Ladakhi aryals (shopo) and snow leopards. Pakistan’s national cedar tree and especially Pakistan’s national flower jasmine is also here in the park. There are thousands of years old trees here.

In this national park, many springs come together to form a river up to 18 km long. The Chitral River adds to the beauty of the park.