Manghopir Hills

Manghopir Hills

Manghopir Hills is located between the Karachi West District of Sindh and the Hub District of Balochistan in Pakistan. The hills are branches of the Kirthar range. The highest point of these hills in Karachi is about 528 meters in the extreme north. These hills are barren of vegetation and have wide intervening plains, dry rivers and water channels.

Manghopir, the area where these hills are located, is a rural area of ​​Karachi. It is known for the city’s oldest Sufi shrines, hot sulfur springs believed to have healing powers, and many crocodiles – locally believed to be the sacred disciples of Pir Manghu. Manghopir Lake is located near the shrine of Sufi Pir Manghu and there are more than a hundred crocodiles in the lake which are petted by pilgrims.