

Mohenjo-Daro is an archaeological site located in Larkana District, Sindh, Pakistan. It is located 20 km from Larkana and 80 km southwest of Sukkur. The city existed in 2600 BC and ceased to exist in 1700 BC for unknown reasons. It is considered a contemporary of ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations. In 1980, UNESCO declared it a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Mohenjo-Daro Museum Keeps the treasures of this ancient city.


A British archaeologist Sir John Marshall discovered the Moen Jo Daro in 1922. And his car is still in the Moenjo Daro museum. Moin Jo Daru is a Sindhi word meaning mound of dead. The city was settled in excellent order. The streets of this city were open and straight while proper drainage was provided.

According to an estimate, between thirty and forty thousand people live here. And according to experts, this city was destroyed and rebuilt 7 times, the main reason being the flood of the river Indus. However, opinions differ as to when it was reduced to ruins. Some attribute it to the arrival of the Aryan people from Central Asia, while others attribute it to natural disasters.


Seven layers of buildings have been found at Moen Jo Daro. One is very early, three are middle and three are late. In the later layers, traces suggest that they are post-Moin Judaro period. Moen Jo Daro is the second largest city of Indus civilization after Harappa.

Harappa and Moenjodaro were contemporary cities that were twin capitals. Both cities have similar urban planning. The fort in the west of the city, the street layout of the city, the houses, and the granaries are all Harappan, but the unique and most prominent part here is the large bath house or great bath. It is a large building with a large pool in the middle with brick steps leading down from the north and south. The fort of Moin Jo Daru is on a mound that is twenty feet above the ground.

During the heyday of Moin Jodaro, the streets were unpaved, but the canals are paved in them. It is a testament to the sophistication of young people. At appropriate locations, there are solid brick manholes that were regularly cleaned by city crews. Every house had a well and there were also wells in the streets. Moen Jo Daro belongs to the age of maturity. Which is the period from 2500 BC to 1700 BC.