Biafo Glacier

Biafo Glacier

Biafo Glacier is located in Nagar and Shigar Districts, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. It spans a considerable distance, with a length of 67 km (42 mi), making it one of the largest glaciers in the entire Karakoram range. The Biafou Glacier and the Hesper Glacier meet at Hesper La at an elevation of 5,128 meters (16,824 ft), forming the longest non-polar ice system in the world.

Snow Lake, consisting of parts of the upper Biafo Glacier and its tributary glacier Sim Gang, is one of the world’s largest basins of snow or ice in the world outside the polar regions.

Four of the seven longest glaciers in the world outside the North and South Poles are in Pakistan. In which the second place is Siachen Glacier (76 km), Biafo Glacier (67 km) is on third place, Baltoro Glacier (63 km) is in fifth place, and on the seventh is Batura Glacier (57 km).