Chagai Hills

Chagai Hills Chagai Hills are located in Chagai District, Balochistan, Pakistan. Mount Chagai is located on the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Its height is up to 2000 meters above sea level.

Manghopir Hills

Manghopir Hills Manghopir Hills is located between the Karachi West District of Sindh and the Hub District of Balochistan in Pakistan. The hills are branches of the Kirthar range. The highest point of these hills in Karachi is about 528 Read More

Mulri Hills

Mulri Hills Mulri Hills located in Karachi District, Sindh, Pakistan.

Lakki hills

Lakki hills Lakki hills located in Dadu District, Sindh, Pakistan.

Dagri Naka

Dagri Naka Hill Dagri Naka hill is located in Abbottabad District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.

Hill Kalan

Hill Kalan Hill Kalan is located in Kotli District, Kashmir, Pakistan.

Ras Koh Hills

Ras Koh Hills Ras Koh Hills is a tourist attraction located in  Kharan District, Balochistan, Pakistan. The Ras Koh mountain range is south of Koh Chagai. Its height is about 2000 meters above sea level.

Hill of Love (Neenhan Jabal)

Hill of Love Hill of Love also known as Neenhan Jabal or Hill of Love Aror is a tourist attraction located in Sukkur District, Sindh, Pakistan.

Rohri Hills

Rohri Hills Rohri Hills located in Sukkur District, Sindh, Pakistan.

Gorakh Hill

Gorakh Hill Gorakh Hill is located in Dadu District, Sindh, Pakistan. It is known as Murree of Sindh due to snowfall in winter. Gorakh Hill is situated on Kirthar Hill in Dadu, Sindh, at an altitude of 1700 meters above Read More